Bridging the World Tax Prep and Services

American Tax Partners is dedicated to providing expert global tax support for American expats, foreign nationals with US investments, and global entrepreneurs. Founded by Roland Sabates, a tax attorney who has devoted his entire career towards supporting the US cross-border community, we deliver custom international tax compliance solutions that address the unique filing requirements faced by global taxpayers. The common link between all our clients is that they are required to file a US tax return. While this commonality exists, every client’s situation is unique and we take the time to adapt our services to the needs of each client specifically, no matter where they may be living or working.

Providing Peace of Mind

Our tax advisors always take a personal approach, getting to know each of our clients individually the first year they begin working with our firm. Each new engagement includes a personalized tax compliance plan addressing both US and foreign tax issues, saving you valuable time, energy, and money in later years. And most importantly, we offer transparent, flat rate pricing.